我司秉着“客户第一 诚信协作 自我批评 追求卓越”的经营理念,联合行业的资深工程师,组建了志驰联合实验室,有竞争力的持续为客户创造最大价值,努力成为客户乐意合作和满意的供应商。
Guangzhou H&G Composite material CO.,Ltd. was founded in 2013, relying on upstream factories and universities, is a collection of scientific research, production and trade in one of the raw material high-tech enterprises, the main silicone, cationic conditioner, Plant extracts and other special products and agents of Taiwan Jingyue, Shanghai Jiayu, Guangyu biology, Amaranth, The United States maifu, Youerxi EOC and Beijing mining and metallurgy products.
Our company adheres to the business philosophy of "customer first, integrity, cooperation, self-criticism and pursuit of excellence", and unites with senior engineers in the industry to set up a joint laboratory of Chi Chi. We will continue to create the greatest value for customers with competitiveness, and strive to become a supplier willing to cooperate and satisfied with customers.
产品型号 | 化学成分INCI名称 | 外观 | 特性 | 应用 | 包装 |
Higmild®-PQ51人造细胞膜 | 聚季铵盐-51 Polyquaternium-51 |
无色透明液体 | 特征性气味 |
香波,沐浴露, 洗面奶,精华液, 乳霜,面膜, 防晒产品,唇膏 |
5kg/桶 |
桦树水 | 亚洲白桦(BETULA PLATYPHYLLA)树汁 |
透明液体 | 最具能量的天然液体黄金 小分子结构水 快速渗透和吸收 保湿、抗氧化、抗衰老 亮肤多功能水 |
洗发水 沐浴露 洗面奶 爽肤水 精华 膏霜 防晒 |
25KG/箱 |
Higmild®-Q80 | 季铵盐-80 QUATERNIUM-80 |
淡黄色粘稠液体 | 对头发蛋白有优异的亲和力 与取代性; 显著改善湿发 和干发的梳理性能; 极速提升柔软度; 良好的抗静电性, 令秀发如丝般亮泽 |
洗发水 发膜 护发素 焗油膏 |
5KG/桶 60KG/桶 |
Higmild®-LC42悬浮稳定调理剂 | C12-18烷基葡萄糖苷、 氢化蓖麻油 C12-18ALKYL GLUCOSIDE、 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL |
乳白色流体至粘稠膏体 | 较高的悬浮稳定能力; 明显改善湿冲的涩感, 优秀的梳理性; 高屈服值, 耐离子和电解质, 兼容性和配伍性好; 降刺激和降低头痒率 |
香波、 沐浴露、 皂基沐浴露、 洗面奶 |
120KG/桶 |